Taro Latkes with Sriracha Lime Cream Sauce

Sigh, barely done with one holiday and I’m already prepared to celebrate the next. While I myself am not Jewish (though power to all those Jewish Vietnamese families out there), I consider myself a bit of an honorary Jew. Well, if you count attending 10+ bar/bat mitzvahs, living in AEPi my entire senior year of … Continue Reading

Sriracha Eggs in Purgatory with Sardines

Food Advertising by Has anyone else ever had canned sardines in tomato sauce? Growing up in a Vietnamese household, I was more than well aware that our family ate things most American kids never even heard of, let alone dare to taste. Such was the case with sardines in tomato sauce. There was always reliably … Continue Reading

Sriracha Cheddar Pretzels

Weekend mornings are the best time for baking. I can hardly remember a Saturday morning growing up when I wasn’t gently woken up by the inviting aroma of my dad’s homemade Norwegian bread or my mom’s Hong Kong style sweet rolls. (To be sure, there were certainly weekends when my parents had the audacity to … Continue Reading

Sriracha Bloody Mary

I love a good ritual. With change being the only constant in life, rituals allow me to cling onto something special, something I can reliably look forward to even on my worst days. My Saturday morning ritual? I wake up at 5:30 AM to go to the Dane County Farmer’s Market, which is actually America’s … Continue Reading