Hot Garlic Pork Chops

It’s about time pork’s had it’s time in the spotlight. While Asian cuisine depends on pork, (think Chinese roast pork buns, Vietnamese satay, and Japanese pork ramen) until recently, Americans primarily consumed pork in the form of bacon, sausage, and ribs smothered in BBQ sauce. Nowadays, pork is the tasty poster child of increasingly popular … Continue Reading

Banh Mi Burgers

Food Advertising by Happy Labor Day Weekend! In honor of the last long weekend of the summer, I figured it was only appropriate to fire up the grill and make some burgers. The best part of making this today? Everything with the exception of the ground pork and seasonings came from the Farmer’s Market; even … Continue Reading

Vietnamese Eggrolls (Chả Giò)

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder and I couldn’t agree more, especially when it comes to food. As a kid, I was surrounded by Vietnamese food all the time, unfortunately, much to my disdain. “This doesn’t look like mac n’ cheese!” “Why can’t we just order pizza like everyone else?” I took every … Continue Reading

Mapo Tofu Cheese Fries Tofu / Ground Pork / Cayenne Peppers / Black Beans / White Cheddar

Food Advertising by Sometimes you just have to dine with a native to try something new, even if it’s from a cuisine as saturated into American culture as Chinese food. For me, such was the case with Mapo Tofu, which is actually a very popular Chinese dish but is often overshadowed by more common take … Continue Reading