Salmon and Wasabi Deviled Eggs

Like my mother, I’ve always believed that beautiful looking food ends up tasting even better. Growing up, even though we never had fancy American dinner staples such as rack of lamb and Christmas ham, we always used the good china. A beautifully plated meal on a perfectly set table adds just the right touch of … Continue Reading

Asian Tuna Salad Cracker Bites

Food Advertising by There aren’t many cold dishes in Asian cuisine. Other than ice cream or fruit, foods that can’t otherwise be eaten hot or at room temperature rarely made an appearance in my house. In fact, I distinctly remember being about 5 years old, suffering through a salad and cold cut sandwich on a … Continue Reading

Wasabi and Mint Cucumber Gazpacho with Sausage Relish

Food Advertising by Apologies for the recent hiatus. I’m writing from my bed, recovering from the wisdom teeth extraction I’ve been putting off for nearly a decade. While the inconveniences that accompany such a surgery have been literal pains, nothing makes me as sadder than not being in the kitchen whisking, roasting, and munching the … Continue Reading