Hawaiian Fried Rice

Sigh, before I left for my sunny West Coast vacation with my brother a couple weeks ago, I departed a sunny, 70 degree Madison. The realist in me knew Wisconsin doesn’t typically warm up until late April, but the possibility of an early spring tricked me into thinking the warm weather was here to stay. … Continue Reading

Five Spice Pork Chops

Pork chops seem to have a bad rep. Has anyone ever noticed that pork chops served with sad potatoes and soggy green beans are always the meal featured on every American TV show or movie with a family dinner scene? After making this connection while watching Family Guy, I embarked on a mission to make … Continue Reading

Wasabi Soy Chex Mix

Salty snacks are seriously my jam. Chips, pretzels, popcorn, crackers, you name it, I love it. Ever since my boyfriend introduced me to House of Cards early this week (I know, I know, I’m super late to the game), I’ve found myself in three episodes deep every night, sleepily emerging from the couch in the … Continue Reading

Sauteed Bok Choy with Lemon and Capers

Food Advertising by As I explore turning my passion for food and cooking into a career, it amazes me what a picky eater I used to be. Growing up, I would painstakingly remove any hint of green from my plate, refuse anything that was mildly offensive (admittedly, I didn’t even like fish sauce until I … Continue Reading