Sriracha Eggs in Purgatory with Sardines

Has anyone else ever had canned sardines in tomato sauce? Growing up in a Vietnamese household, I was more than well aware that our family ate things most American kids never even heard of, let alone dare to taste. Such was the case with sardines in tomato sauce. There was always reliably a can around … Continue Reading

Honey Ginger Glazed Salmon Salad

I never learned to appreciate a good salad until I began going out for lunch. While richer, more substantial entrees usually take the spotlight for dinner, the salad really takes the stage during lunchtime. Plus, salads these days have gone full blown gourmet; long gone are the days of wimpy side salads and packaged caesar … Continue Reading

Curry Paella Curry / Ginger / Sticky Rice / Shrimp / Vietnamese Sausage

Food Advertising by As much as I love to cook, I find that cooking can be a bit of a pain during the summer months. Generally speaking, the sweltering heat can put quite a damper on my appetite and I’ll always prefer to be doing something outdoors instead of staying inside slaving over the stove … Continue Reading

Spicy Coconut Curry Mussels

We just finished up another Restaurant Week in Madison and I noticed that nearly every place we visited this year offered mussels on the menu. Not wanting the Restaurant Week fanciness to end, I was determined to craft up my own mussels recipe for the weekend. To my surprise and delight, I learned that not … Continue Reading