Edamame Hummus with Cheesy Wonton Chips

Christmas got you feeling bloated? Me too. The holidays have completely ruined my wedding diet jumpstart. Luckily, that bright beacon of hope that is New Years is just around the corner, beckoning us to dust off those gym bags and drop off those few pounds that have been plaguing us since swimsuit season. Why not … Continue Reading

Salmon and Wasabi Deviled Eggs

Food Advertising by Like my mother, I’ve always believed that beautiful looking food ends up tasting even better. Growing up, even though we never had fancy American dinner staples such as rack of lamb and Christmas ham, we always used the good china. A beautifully plated meal on a perfectly set table adds just the … Continue Reading

Jasmine Tea Eggs

Happy 2016! I’m finally back in Madison after a relaxing stint at home. I always used to resist my parents’ attempts to pamper me, insisting that I was grown up enough to take care of myself. But now, I just embrace it; it’s inevitable and a win-win situation anyway. As SNL aptly puts it, I’m … Continue Reading

Taro Latkes with Sriracha Lime Cream Sauce

Sigh, barely done with one holiday and I’m already prepared to celebrate the next. While I myself am not Jewish (though power to all those Jewish Vietnamese families out there), I consider myself a bit of an honorary Jew. Well, if you count attending 10+ bar/bat mitzvahs, living in AEPi my entire senior year of … Continue Reading