Chicken Noodle Miso Soup (for the soul)

I wish I had a better excuse for my most recent hiatus, but to be frank, I simply gave up for a bit. It’s like going to the gym; you miss one day of working out and magically every day thereafter not only do you continue skip the gym, but you also find it in … Continue Reading

Baked Noodle Bird Nests with Quail Eggs

Whenever my family has a celebration of any magnitude, it will reliably be held at a fancy Chinese restaurant. My parents and all of my aunts and uncles got married at the same banquet hall in Chinatown and every birthday, anniversary, going away party, boyfriend meeting has taken place at our favorite local dim sum … Continue Reading

Asian Pear and Ginger Galette

Those who know me well know that I love doing things myself. I’ve never gotten my hair done, hired movers and painters or taken an article of clothing to a tailor. I would much rather bake a fresh loaf of bread from scratch (mostly for the smells) than pick out a pre-packaged, processed loaf from … Continue Reading

Edamame Succotash Sweet Corn / Edamame / Vietnamese Sausage

Food Advertising by As the chill of fall quickly approaches and we give up our futile attempts to continue wearing short sleeve shirts and put off turning on the heat, there are still a few things from summer we can hold onto. My summer memento is fresh corn. While it may be too brisk for … Continue Reading