Sauteed Bok Choy with Lemon and Capers

As I explore turning my passion for food and cooking into a career, it amazes me what a picky eater I used to be. Growing up, I would painstakingly remove any hint of green from my plate, refuse anything that was mildly offensive (admittedly, I didn’t even like fish sauce until I started cooking a … Continue Reading

Persimmon Tarts

Happy Lunar New Year! Tết is always a huge to do in the Bui household. Growing up in suburban New Jersey, my family was pretty Americanized compared to other immigrant families but on Tết we pulled ALL the stops. A week or two leading up to the new year, we would scrub, dust and polish … Continue Reading

Grapefruit and Lavender Sake

Food Advertising by Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether or not you’ve got a honey, an amazing group of friends or some me time on your hands, tonight should be special. Start your evening off with a refreshing pink cocktail to celebrate the holiday. Grapefruit and lavender infused sake make this drink as sweet as cupid’s arrow. … Continue Reading

Lemongrass Pork Noodle Bowl

If you’re looking for a break from decadent Valentine’s Day noshing, treat yourself to a light and tasty Vietnamese noodle bowl. I know I’ve said it a million times before, but my favorite thing about Vietnamese food is how incredibly fresh and colorful the ingredients are, something I haven’t learned to appreciate until realizing as … Continue Reading