Vietnamese Eggrolls (Chả Giò)

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder and I couldn’t agree more, especially when it comes to food. As a kid, I was surrounded by Vietnamese food all the time, unfortunately, much to my disdain. “This doesn’t look like mac n’ cheese!” “Why can’t we just order pizza like everyone else?” I took every … Continue Reading

Mapo Tofu Cheese Fries Tofu / Ground Pork / Cayenne Peppers / Black Beans / White Cheddar

Sometimes you just have to dine with a native to try something new, even if it’s from a cuisine as saturated into American culture as Chinese food. For me, such was the case with Mapo Tofu, which is actually a very popular Chinese dish but is often overshadowed by more common take out fare such … Continue Reading

Sriracha Slaw Hot Dogs

Food Advertising by Happy Memorial Day! The summer has officially kicked off and it’s time to whip out the bikinis and barbeques! No long weekend is complete without some grillin’ so I thought I’d squeeze in a quick summer recipe – Sriracha slaw hot dogs. Hot dogs are one of my favorite foods because of … Continue Reading

Wasabi and Mint Cucumber Gazpacho with Sausage Relish

Apologies for the recent hiatus. I’m writing from my bed, recovering from the wisdom teeth extraction I’ve been putting off for nearly a decade. While the inconveniences that accompany such a surgery have been literal pains, nothing makes me as sadder than not being in the kitchen whisking, roasting, and munching the day away. As … Continue Reading