I’m Kathy and I love food. Throughout my not so long life of being Norwegian born, Vietnamese bred, New England educated and Wisconsin located, I have been able to taste amazing foods all over the world. In attempt to bring these tales from my tastebuds to life, I present to you “Builicious,” a collection of Asian fusion recipes I’ve crafted from traditional Vietnamese dishes perfected my mother and various cuisines I’ve been so blessed to explore. Bon appetit, or as we Vietnamese like to say “Chúc ngon miệng!”
I just discovered your website when I was looking for a spicy tuna nachos recipe! I am so excited!! You are absolutely wonderful and you definitely make me want to cook more. I’m a college student procrastinating on my homework but I sat up straight when I saw all the recipes you have. You totally made my day!! I’m having a hard time adjusting to college and being away from home but your website made me so happy. Thank you so much. Blessings to you and your family!
Just stumbled across your blog and I just want to say how amazing this blog is. Your creativity is incredible! My sister and I grew up in Hong Kong so we love your twists on all the classic dishes. We have a blog as well but we do a lot of gluten free cooking, will have to try some of your recipes with a gluten free and dairy free twist! Thank you so much and keep it up!
I just discovered your website when I was looking for a spicy tuna nachos recipe! I am so excited!! You are absolutely wonderful and you definitely make me want to cook more. I’m a college student procrastinating on my homework but I sat up straight when I saw all the recipes you have. You totally made my day!! I’m having a hard time adjusting to college and being away from home but your website made me so happy. Thank you so much. Blessings to you and your family!
Thanks Jona! I am so glad you had fun with that recipe – it’s easily one of my favorites!
Zoe Lau
Just stumbled across your blog and I just want to say how amazing this blog is. Your creativity is incredible! My sister and I grew up in Hong Kong so we love your twists on all the classic dishes. We have a blog as well but we do a lot of gluten free cooking, will have to try some of your recipes with a gluten free and dairy free twist! Thank you so much and keep it up!
Thanks Zoe! Your photos are stunning. I love that you guys have a blog together – so nice to pass on childhood favorites with family!